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Costal Getaway
Graphic Design

5 Logo Design Basics You Need to Know

Did you know that many children can identify the logos of companies before they can read the name of the actual company? That’s how important a good logo design is. If you’re starting a company that you want to be

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Russell Rodriguez8

How Long Does It Take to Build a Website?

So, you need a website, and now you are wondering how long does it take to build a website. The answer is probably longer than you’d expect, but it is a critical process that shouldn’t be rushed. This article will

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How to Choose the Best Web Marketing Agency in Orange County

There are so many venues to host your marketing these days. You can opt for social media marketing via platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram. Furthermore, you can try pay-per-click marketing, email marketing, content marketing, or even boosting your business

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Work from Home2

Working From Home: 5 Ways to Find Balance in 2021

Working from home is the new normal. So, you’ve eliminated your commute. Your schedule has become more flexible. Sometimes, you even get to work in your yoga pants. However, as working from home becomes reality for many of us, so

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Featured Snippet2

What Are Featured Snippets? Get One Instantly!

We all love typing a couple of words into Google and getting an immediate answer. Nothing beats getting your questions answered from the snippets at the top without ever having to click on a link.  Now as much as we

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What is a Facebook Pixel and Why Should I Have One?

Scrolling Facebook advertisements and noticing that ads tailored to your unique interests are lining your newsfeed? Curious as to how different businesses have wound up on your feed? The tool you should be learning about is the Facebook Pixel–a tool

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